- Our company’s existence is not alone. It is part of a bigger system of people, values, other organizations and nature. We want to give back to the world just as it gives to us.
- Worker well-being is an initiative created by Levi Strauss & Co. in 2011 as a new approach from the standard codes to protect the basic needs and rights of workers as well as the environment. It encourages partnerships with suppliers and local organizations to implement programs focused on financial empowerment, health and family well-being, and equality and acceptance.
- Worker well-being takes a unique approach to addressing worker needs that starts with listening to workers. Before implementing any program or intervention, factory workers are surveyed to hear first-hand what they need in order to be more engaged.
Good health and well-being
- Lotus Garments Group partnered with LS&CO for the HER Project in 2013
- TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS REACHED: 6,475 workers benefited
- Workers’ health awareness:
- – Knowledge related to personal hygiene, family planning methods, on how to conduct breast self-examinations
- – Most of the workers know about the different forms of harassment, their health risks, and measures to protect themselves against it
- Workers’ health behavior changes:
- – Workers are more aware of the importance of personal hygiene and passing the information to their colleagues and families
- – Most workers changed nutrition habits
- – The role of the nurses at the factory increased to involve provision of knowledge and counseling, and the workers started seeing them as a credible source of information
In 2017 we started a new health project with the Center for Development Services
- Improving the health of youth:
- Maintenance of public health
- Proper nutrition and diseases related to malnutrition
- Smoking, drugs and addiction
- Early detection of cancer
- Men’s and women’s roles in family planning and reproductive health
- Pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding
- Increasing the demand for medical services among the workers in factories.
- Improving the availability of medical services for the youth in Port Said and improving its quality.
Education and professional development
- Cooperation with Ministry of Education
- Reciprocal education program by providing applied training inside the factory and providing jobs for graduates
- Providing school workshops with machinery, instrumentation and technical assistants
Economic empowerment

in 2019 Lotus Garments Group , Levi Strauss & Mastercard partnership to Increase Workers’ Financial Literacy & digitize their payments ; their lifestyle.
Egypt Digital Wages Worker Survey – Endline report
Digital Wages Worker Survey report Jul 2020 financial behaviour
COVID-19 crisis
What comes next?
1) Supporting the community
- Our company will initiate and support community investment and educational programs. For example, it is able to begin partnerships with vendors for better health and better nutrition to the community. It can provide support to nonprofit organizations or movements to promote the cultural and economic development of global and local communities.
2) Preserving the environment
- Apart from legal obligations, our company will be proactive in protecting the environment. Examples of relevant activities include:
- Recycling
- Conserving energy
- Using environmentally friendly technologies
3) Volunteering
- Our company will encourage its employees to volunteer. They can volunteer through programs organized internally or externally. Our company may sponsor volunteering events from other organizations.
4) Learning
- Our company will actively invest in R&D. We will be open to suggestions and listen carefully to ideas. Our company will try to continuously improve the way it operates.